
Moxibustion or Moxa, named after a Japanese word Mokusa, which means “burning herbs” is an important therapy in Traditional Oriental Medicine.  It involves the heating of specific acupuncture points or on a painful area with smoldering mugwort (artemisia vulgaris) herb.  The heat from Moxibustion can absorb deeply into the body to stimulate circulation, help ease pain due to cold and dampness in the body, and promote the smooth flow of blood and qi.  It is also known to help turn breech babies in the womb.  Moxa is also effective in treating chronic issues or as in Oriental Medicine we call it “deficient conditions”.

For example, moxa can be applied to a painful joint or an acupuncture point such as Stomach-36 (Zusanli).  One ancient text declares that "one who applies moxa daily to Zusanli (Stomach 36) will be free of the one hundred diseases."  Applying moxa to Stomach 36 has nourishing effects to the entire body.  It is especially effective in increasing the immune system and stimulating digestive functions. 

There are many other indicators for moxa in oriental medicine. It is great for treating general weakness, Indigestion, chronic fatigue, shock, painful cramps, and more.  This safe, non-invasive technique may be used alone, but it is generally used in conjunction with acupuncture treatment.